A probable Excel, Minitab, @Risk and mtbEngine Chat

Let's play together for winning !!

v2.5 Engine works as exe file

The engine manages Minitab and Excel - our preferred.

v2.5 Engine works as Minitab addin

Minitab manages Excel.

v2.5 Engine works as Excel addin

Excel manages Minitab.

One of the most interesting feature of 2.5 version

AutoScript of User Command Sequence.

One of the most interesting feature of 2.5 version

AutoScript of a vbScript Procedure Sequence.

Translate your Minitab History into a sequence of COM commands

With MTBEngine you can have immediately all your History Commands translated into equivalent COM Commands.

Call external DLLs Functions using a traditional Minitab macro

This video shows how to call the Microsoft SAPI Voice, passing the string values as Konstants by a traditional Minitab macro.

Get a Minitab Last Command Output

Get a Minitab Last Command Output and put it on Excel range/sheet.

Run a Excel Macro using a traditional Minitab macro

This video shows how to run the previous VBA code from your Minitab session window..