analisi FATTORIALE E  disegni complessi








Sono riportati due tabulati di calcolatore su esempi già discussi nel capitolo.


ESEMPIO.  Si vuole verificare se insetti adulti della stessa specie che vivono in 4 località differenti (A, B, C, D) hanno differenze significative nelle loro dimensioni, considerando pure che dalla primavera all'autunno continuano ad aumentare.










































General Linear Models Procedure



              Class    Levels    Values


              STAGIONE      3    autunno estate primaver


              LOCALITA      4    a b c d


               Number of observations in data set = 24





Dependent Variable: INSETTI  


Source                  DF    Sum of Squares     F Value      Pr > F


Model                   11     3052.12500000       13.40      0.0001


Error                   12      248.50000000


Corrected Total         23     3300.62500000


                  R-Square              C.V.            INSETTI Mean


                  0.924711          6.779353              67.1250000


Source                  DF         Type I SS     F Value      Pr > F


STAGIONE                 2     1870.75000000       45.17      0.0001

LOCALITA                 3     1084.12500000       17.45      0.0001

STAGIONE*LOCALITA        6       97.25000000        0.78      0.5995


Source                  DF       Type III SS     F Value      Pr > F


STAGIONE                 2     1870.75000000       45.17      0.0001

LOCALITA                 3     1084.12500000       17.45      0.0001

STAGIONE*LOCALITA        6       97.25000000        0.78      0.5995




      Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for variable: INSETTI


     NOTE: This test controls the type I experimentwise error rate.


         Alpha= 0.05  Confidence= 0.95  df= 12  MSE= 20.70833

              Critical Value of Studentized Range= 3.773

                 Minimum Significant Difference= 6.07


  Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by '***'.


                           Simultaneous            Simultaneous

                               Lower    Difference     Upper

          STAGIONE          Confidence    Between   Confidence

         Comparison            Limit       Means       Limit


    autunno  - estate          4.555      11.625      16.695   ***

    autunno  - primaver       15.555      21.625      27.695   ***


    estate   - autunno       -16.695     -11.625      -4.555   ***

    estate   - primaver        4.930      11.000      17.070   ***


    primaver - autunno       -27.695     -21.625     -15.555   ***

    primaver - estate        -17.070     -11.000      -4.930   ***



                 Scheffe's test for variable: INSETTI


     NOTE: This test controls the type I experimentwise error rate

           but generally has a higher type II error rate than Tukey's

           for all pairwise comparisons.


         Alpha= 0.05  Confidence= 0.95  df= 12  MSE= 20.70833

                     Critical Value of F= 3.88529

                Minimum Significant Difference= 6.3426


  Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by '***'.


                           Simultaneous            Simultaneous

                               Lower    Difference     Upper

          STAGIONE          Confidence    Between   Confidence

         Comparison            Limit       Means       Limit


    autunno  - estate          4.282      11.625      16.968   ***

    autunno  - primaver       15.282      21.625      27.968   ***


    estate   - autunno       -16.968     -11.625      -4.282   ***

    estate   - primaver        4.657      11.000      17.343   ***


    primaver - autunno       -27.968     -21.625     -15.282   ***

    primaver - estate        -17.343     -11.000      -4.657   ***




               Dunnett's T tests for variable: INSETTI


     NOTE: This tests controls the type I experimentwise error for

           comparisons of all treatments against a control.


         Alpha= 0.05  Confidence= 0.95  df= 12  MSE= 20.70833

                 Critical Value of Dunnett's T= 2.502

                Minimum Significant Difference= 5.6938


  Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by '***'.


                           Simultaneous            Simultaneous

                               Lower    Difference     Upper

          STAGIONE          Confidence    Between   Confidence

         Comparison            Limit       Means       Limit


    estate   - autunno       -16.319     -11.625      -4.931   ***

    primaver - autunno       -27.319     -21.625     -15.931   ***




           Student-Newman-Keuls test for variable: INSETTI


     NOTE: This test controls the type I experimentwise error rate

           under the complete null hypothesis but not under partial

           null hypotheses.


                  Alpha= 0.05  df= 12  MSE= 20.70833


                 Number of Means         2         3

                 Critical Range  4.9574623 6.0700016


     Means with the same letter are not significantly different.


           SNK Grouping              Mean      N    STAGIONE


                      A            77.875      8    autunno


                      B            67.250      8    estate


                      C            56.250      8    primavera





      Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for variable: INSETTI


     NOTE: This test controls the type I experimentwise error rate,

           but generally has a higher type II error rate than REGWQ.


                  Alpha= 0.05  df= 12  MSE= 20.70833

              Critical Value of Studentized Range= 3.773

                 Minimum Significant Difference= 6.07


     Means with the same letter are not significantly different.


          Tukey Grouping              Mean      N    STAGIONE


                       A            77.875      8    autunno


                       B            67.250      8    estate


                       C            56.250      8    primavera





                 Scheffe's test for variable: INSETTI


     NOTE: This test controls the type I experimentwise error rate

           but generally has a higher type II error rate than REGWF

           for all pairwise comparisons


                  Alpha= 0.05  df= 12  MSE= 20.70833

                     Critical Value of F= 3.88529

                Minimum Significant Difference= 6.3426


     Means with the same letter are not significantly different.


         Scheffe Grouping              Mean      N    STAGIONE


                        A            77.875      8    autunno


                        B            67.250      8    estate


                        C            56.250      8    primavera





      Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for variable: INSETTI


     NOTE: This test controls the type I experimentwise error rate.


         Alpha= 0.05  Confidence= 0.95  df= 12  MSE= 20.70833

              Critical Value of Studentized Range= 4.199

                 Minimum Significant Difference= 7.8


  Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by '***'.


                       Simultaneous            Simultaneous

                           Lower    Difference     Upper

          LOCALITA      Confidence    Between   Confidence

         Comparison        Limit       Means       Limit


        c    - b          -1.800       6.000      13.800

        c    - a           7.700      15.500      23.300   ***

        c    - d           8.200      16.000      23.800   ***


        b    - c         -13.800      -6.000       1.800

        b    - a           1.700       9.500      17.300   ***

        b    - d           2.200      11.000      17.800   ***


        a    - c         -23.300     -15.500      -7.700   ***

        a    - b         -17.300      -9.500      -1.700   ***

        a    - d          -7.300       0.500       8.300


        d    - c         -23.800     -16.000      -8.200   ***

        d    - b         -17.800     -11.000      -2.200   ***

        d    - a          -8.300      -0.500       7.300





                 Scheffe's test for variable: INSETTI


     NOTE: This test controls the type I experimentwise error rate

           but generally has a higher type II error rate than Tukey's

           for all pairwise comparisons.


         Alpha= 0.05  Confidence= 0.95  df= 12  MSE= 20.70833

                     Critical Value of F= 3.49029

                Minimum Significant Difference= 8.5017


  Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by '***'.


                       Simultaneous            Simultaneous

                           Lower    Difference     Upper

          LOCALITA      Confidence    Between   Confidence

         Comparison        Limit       Means       Limit


        c    - b          -2.502       6.000      14.502

        c    - a           6.998      15.500      24.002   ***

        c    - d           7.498      16.000      24.502   ***


        b    - c         -14.502      -6.000       2.502

        b    - a           0.998       9.500      18.002   ***

        b    - d           1.498      11.000      18.502   ***


        a    - c         -24.002     -15.500      -6.998   ***

        a    - b         -18.002      -9.500      -0.998   ***

        a    - d          -8.002       0.500       9.002


        d    - c         -24.502     -16.000      -7.498   ***

        d    - b         -18.502     -11.000      -1.498   ***

        d    - a          -9.002      -0.500       8.002





               Dunnett's T tests for variable: INSETTI


     NOTE: This tests controls the type I experimentwise error for

           comparisons of all treatments against a control.


         Alpha= 0.05  Confidence= 0.95  df= 12  MSE= 20.70833

                 Critical Value of Dunnett's T= 2.683

                Minimum Significant Difference= 7.0489


  Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by '***'.


                       Simultaneous            Simultaneous

                           Lower    Difference     Upper

          LOCALITA      Confidence    Between   Confidence

         Comparison        Limit       Means       Limit


        c    - a           8.451      15.500      22.549   ***

        b    - a           2.451       9.500      16.549   ***

        d    - a          -7.549      -0.500       6.549






           Student-Newman-Keuls test for variable: INSETTI


     NOTE: This test controls the type I experimentwise error rate

           under the complete null hypothesis but not under partial

           null hypotheses.


                  Alpha= 0.05  df= 12  MSE= 20.70833


            Number of Means         2         3         4

            Critical Range  5.7243844 7.0090341 7.8000392


     Means with the same letter are not significantly different.


           SNK Grouping              Mean      N  LOCALITA


                      A            76.500      6    c


                      B            70.500      6    b


                      C            61.000      6    a


                      C            60.500      6    d





      Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for variable: INSETTI


     NOTE: This test controls the type I experimentwise error rate,

           but generally has a higher type II error rate than REGWQ.


                  Alpha= 0.05  df= 12  MSE= 20.70833

              Critical Value of Studentized Range= 4.199

                 Minimum Significant Difference= 7.8


     Means with the same letter are not significantly different.


          Tukey Grouping              Mean      N  LOCALITA


                       A            76.500      6    c


                       A            70.500      6    b


                       B            61.000      6    a


                       B            60.500      6    d




                 Scheffe's test for variable: INSETTI


     NOTE: This test controls the type I experimentwise error rate

           but generally has a higher type II error rate than REGWF

           for all pairwise comparisons


                  Alpha= 0.05  df= 12  MSE= 20.70833

                     Critical Value of F= 3.49029

                Minimum Significant Difference= 8.5017


     Means with the same letter are not significantly different.


         Scheffe Grouping              Mean      N  LOCALITA


                        A            76.500      6    c


                        A            70.500      6    b


                        B            61.000      6    a


                        B            60.500      6    d




       Level of   Level of       -----------INSETTI-----------

       STAGIONE   LOCALITA   N       Mean              SD


       autunno      a        2     74.5000000       6.36396103

       autunno      b        2     78.5000000       4.94974747

       autunno      c        2     85.0000000       4.24264069

       autunno      d        2     73.5000000       4.94974747

       estate       a        2     61.0000000       5.65685425

       estate       b        2     73.0000000       5.65685425

       estate       c        2     77.0000000       4.24264069

       estate       d        2     58.0000000       2.82842712

       primaver     a        2     47.5000000       3.53553391

       primaver     b        2     60.0000000       4.24264069

       primaver     c        2     67.5000000       3.53553391

       primaver     d        2     50.0000000       2.82842712






Manuale di Statistica per la Ricerca e la Professione  © Lamberto Soliani   - Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Università di Parma  (apr 05 ed)  ebook version by SixSigmaIn Team  - © 2007