Local Help Manager

Designed to be used in our statistical training courses and ... now shared with all Minitab® enthusiastic users.

Freeware Version 1.1 for Minitab 19 Help

Now with macro Editor
(standard .mac files, read-only viewer *), Syntax Highlighting , U.D.Interface and In-Process launcher
All in just 100 KB exe. Pure Win32 API, no Minitab COM use.
The same executable works with both the 32bit and 64bit releases of Minitab 19.2

(*) Full editing and mtbe macros require basic and/or mtbEngine License.

lhm.exe [+initLangString]
Example 1 : lhm +j start lhm loading Minitab 19 Japanese Local Help index.
Example 2 : lhm +g start lhm loading Minitab 19 German Local Help index.

word_1 [word_2] [word_n]
Example 1 : anova nested search documents with 'anova' AND 'nested' words inside.
Example 2 : anova -nested search documents with 'anova' word AND NOT 'nested' word inside.
Example 3 : anova -anova the search will not find results.

Always enter lowercase words in input box. Accents, umlauts and ligatures are auto-converted in searching.

RESERVED WORDS in searching:
list_macros : get macro files in Local Help.
list_wsheets : get worksheet files in Local Help.
list_projects : get project files in Local Help.

LHM requires a valid installation of [Win32/64] Minitab 19 and its Local Help before being used.
[Help are available at https://www.minitab.com/en-us/downloads/]
If a specific Language of used set is not of your interest and you want to save space to disk, simply delete the related LHM DLL.

Do not run this program from the zip archive. Extract all files from zip archive before using !
No special privileges are required for installation or use.
LHM app is portable. In your machine, simply copy or move LHM folders where you want.
LHM portable does not modify Windows registers.
You just need to register the .mac [macro] file extension [if not yet registered] to use the External Macro Editor command. [Notepad++ or vsCode is suggested as macro editor.]

[1] Omitted words [about 8/10%] in LHM Freeware search are Language depending. Use Word Statistic menu command to get more info on it.
[2] Unregistered Freeware Users need to restart after 32 open links [Italian Users = 16] to continue working or use In-Process macro launcher.
[3] With Basic Edition all the indexed words will be searchable and internal macro editor will be read-write.
[4] .mtbe macros functions are operational only with LHM mtbEngine Edition.

Download, unzip to a full access (writable) folder and run lhm.exe.
All Languages : 41.2 MB
This application does NOT contain any malicious software.
Kaspersky VirusDesk virus scanner report
OPSWAT MetaDefender Cloud_Multiscanning report

Freeware Version 1.0 for (Minitab 18/19.1 Help)

COMMAND (Version 1.0 for Minitab 18 and 19.1)
lhm.exe [+mtbHelpVersNumber] [+initLangString]
Example 1 : lhm +19 +j start lhm loading Minitab 19 Japanese Local Help index.
Example 2 : lhm +18 +g start lhm loading Minitab 18 German Local Help index.

Download your preferred language set, unzip to a full access (writable) folder and run lhm.exe.

Freeware Edition 1.0 for Minitab 19.1 Help (no longer maintained)
All Languages 41.2 MB

Freeware Edition 1.0 for Minitab 18 Help (no longer maintained)
All Languages 40,3 MB

'How to' videos show you how to create a permanent link with your Minitab installed software.
How to for Minitab 19
How to for Minitab 18